My New Year Ritual

Before the new year even starts, I see a barrage of articles about resolutions. How to make them, how to keep them, and sometimes how to rebel against the need for them. But I believe there is a step that should come before even thinking about resolutions:Taking stock.Reflection.Winter in general is a time for turning inward. It is a slower, more reflective time of year. The darker days and bad weather well suited for contemplation. And a new year is a natural time to reflect on where we are in our lives.I start each new year with my art journal and my calendar for the previous year. I usually make a month by month list in my art journal -- the highlights and the lows, as well.Then I'll dedicate a page of my art journal for a big picture reflection on the past year. Was there a recurring theme for the previous year? What big lesson did I learn? How did I grow or change? I know one of my themes for 2015 was to follow my heart. That also meant I had to learn to trust what my heart had to say!We frequently forget how much can happen in a year. Taking some time to reflect on where you have been helps you to both celebrate your successes and inspire you to dream and plan for the coming year. And maybe decide to keep a resolution or two.


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